We, BETO Korea Co., Ltd., collect reliable data so that we can analyze data under the customer’s point of view to make better life.
As a father who had serious troubles with my own daughters’ sleep problem when they were infants, I understand parents who are same position and I strongly want to help their lives better.
Infant sleep is one of the most difficult points among child care.
BETO Sleep Coach™ is an IoT device to collect reliable data in infant care and it will analyze data with its own elaborate algorithm reviewed by pediatricians to provide customized solution for each babies.
We, BETO Korea Co., Ltd., hope BETO Sleep Coach™ help to make happy family and healthy baby for world.
Contact us
Main office : #601, Gwanggyo-ro 107, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 16229
Tel. : +82 31 214 0814 / Fax : +82 303 3442 0184
e-mail : info@betokorea.com